





一 、独特的便拆式结构使其具备以下几种便拆功能:
1. The unique easy-to-disassemble structure enables it to possess the following functions: easy-to-disassemble, easy-to-disassemble, easy-to-disassemble and easy-to-disassemble.
1 SLB型泵于电机的部分便拆功能,便拆式泵所采用的电机通用程度高。如果需要更换同样型号的电机或水泵时,只需拆开并取出对夹式联轴器,然后拆开电机与支架的链接螺丝就可取下电机货水泵进行更换。
1 SLB pump is easy to disassemble in part of the motor, and the motor used in the disassembly pump has a high degree of versatility. If the same type of motor or pump needs to be replaced, just remove and remove the coupler, and then remove the connecting screw between the motor and the bracket to replace the motor cargo pump.
2 SLB型泵的更换机械密封件部分便拆功能:便拆式泵在更换机械密封件时,不需拆电机,只需拆开并取出对夹式连轴器,然后打开密封件压盖,便可取出机械密封件进行更换。
2 SLB pump replacing mechanical seals is easy to disassemble: when replacing mechanical seals, the easy-to-disassemble pump does not need to disassemble the motor, only needs to disassemble and take out the coupler, and then opens the seal cap, then can take out the mechanical seals for replacement.
二、 结构紧凑、外型美观:该系列泵为便拆式结构,机泵一体,外型美观,其立式结构决定安装占地面积小,不仅缩小泵房面积,改善了面积,改善了空间,而且大大节省基建投资。如采用IP54户外电机,更能节省泵房基建的投入。
2. Compact structure and beautiful appearance: This series of pumps are easy to disassemble structure, machine-pump integration, beautiful appearance. Its vertical structure determines that the installation area is small. It not only reduces the pump room area, improves the area, improves the space, but also greatly saves the capital investment. If IP54 outdoor motor is used, the investment of pump house infrastructure can be saved more.


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版权 © 保定市双吸泵厂 网址:http://shuangxi.75ix.com  推荐:立式双吸泵,卧式双吸泵,不锈钢双吸泵
